Logo Buffet Crampon


Logo Buffet Crampon

Edition :

The https://www.buffet-crampon.com/en/ website is published by Buffet Crampon under the direction of Isabelle Azra, as Director of Communication and Digital.Buffet Crampon S.A.S. 5, Rue Maurice Berteaux – 78711 Mantes La Ville France Tel.: +33 (0)130 985 130 Simplified joint-stock company with capital of EUR 33,056,507 – Versailles Trade and Companies Register No. 445 363 518 Code APE 32.20Z – VAT No.: FR 53 445 363 518Site Hosting : the site is hosted by: OVHSimplified joint-stock company with capital of EUR 10,069,020 Lille Métropole Trade and Companies Register No. 424 761 419 00045 Code APE 2620Z VAT No.: FR 22 424 761 419 Registered office: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France Publication Director: Octave KlabaAccess to the Website, as well as use of its content, is subject to the following conditions. These conditions of use may be amended at any point. These amendments shall be deemed accepted by internet users as soon as they are put online. 1. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 2. LIABILITY 3. TECHNICAL FUNCTIONING OF THE WEBSITE 4. ASSIGNMENT OF JURISDICTION 5. YOU CAN CONTACT US AT THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS 6. WEBSITE DESIGN AND PRODUCTION
All the items contained on the Website (software, text, animated or static images, sounds, know-how, and more generally, any type of data) are protected by the (French) Intellectual Property Code. Any total or partial representation and/or reproduction of the Website by a procedure of any kind, without the express authorisation of Buffet Crampon, is prohibited and would constitute an infringement sanctioned by Articles L.335-2 et seqq. of the (French) Intellectual Property Code. The same applies, where applicable, to databases on the Website, which are protected by the provisions of the (French) Law of 1 July 1998, transposing the European Directive of 11 March 1996 concerning legal protection for databases into the (French) Intellectual Property Code. Trade marks and logos appearing on the Website are the property of Buffet Crampon. Any total or partial use or reproduction of these trade marks and/or logos is prohibited, according to Article L.713-2 of the (French) Intellectual Property Code, without the prior and express authorisation of Buffet Crampon.
Information featured on the Website is for information purposes only. Buffet Crampon strives to keep the Website up to date but cannot guarantee that the information published on the Website is correct, complete and up to date, nor can it guarantee that said information is suitable for the user’s desired use. Consequently, the user acknowledges that they alone are responsible for the use of this information. The user shall comply with the provisions of the (French) Law on Data Protection, violation of which carries criminal penalties. In particular, with regard to personal data they have access to, they must refrain from any form of collection, misuse, and, in general, any action likely to violate people’s privacy or jeopardise their reputation.
The site is usually accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In cases of force majeure, information systems problems, structural problems with telecommunications networks, technical difficulties or for maintenance reasons – this list is not exhaustive – access to all or part of the Website may be suspended or removed by the simple decision of Buffet Crampon. For maintenance reasons, and/or for any other decision made by Buffet Crampon, access to the Website may be interrupted. The Website may be modified and developed without notice of any kind. In any case, Buffet Crampon shall in no way be held liable for direct, indirect or special damages, resulting from use of the Website or other sites related to them and, in particular, for any financial or commercial loss, or loss of programmes or data from the user’s information system.
The content of the Website is governed by French law. This applies to both substantive and procedural rules, and its content shall be judged solely by the competent French jurisdictions. Conflict-of-law rules are excluded in favour of the complete and unreserved application of French law.
If you have any questions or complaints, contact us at the following address: BUFFET CRAMPON, 5 rue Maurice Berteaux 78711 Mantes-la-Ville France – contact@buffetcrampon.com